PHYTO Book Review

PHYTO Book Review

Kate Kennen and Niall Kirkwood’s PHYTO was reviewed by Ian Balcom in Ecological Restoration.

Using Old Cranberry Bogs to Create New Coastal Wetlands

Using Old Cranberry Bogs to Create New Coastal Wetlands

Scientists are turning a cranberry bog back into coastal wetland. The experiment is seen as a path for dormant bogs and another chance for vanishing habitat while also removing excess nutrients from groundwater, wastewater and stormwater.

Kate’s Upcoming Speaking Engagements – BSA Urban Design Committee

Interested in Phytoremediation? Catch Kate speak and offer highlights from her PHYTO book  on Thursday, July 28th at the BSA Space! This presentation, hosted by the Urban Design Committee, is free and open to the public. Click here for more information! 7/28- 6:30pm...