Free Webinar! Phytotechnology: A Nature-Based Approach to Containing Contamination
Save the Date! On Wednesday, July 28th, from 1:00-2:30PM EDT the US EPA’s Soak Up the Rain New England Webinar Series presents, “Phytotechnology: a Nature-Based Approach to Containing Contamination.” Jessica Dominguez and Juan Perez of EPA Region 1...
CWC Flood Forum Presentation Available Here
Thank you to everyone who joined us at the Charlestown Waterfront Coalition 2018 Flood Forum on Tuesday! We are excited to share information about sea level rise adaptation and climate resiliency with the community. The presentation is available to download here:

Kate Speaking at The CWC Flood Forum: Tuesday 4/23/18 at 6:30pm
Kate Kennen, Principal at Offshoots will be speaking at the Charlestown Waterfront Coalition (CWC) Flood Forum on Tuesday, April 24. The forum will discuss the effects of sea level rise on the Charlestown Waterfront and strategies for preparing the Charlestown Navy Yard for the next major storm. Kate will be joining John Bologna of Coastal Engineering and Peter Allen of Smart Vent…

Kate speaking at Harvard: Landscapes for Pollinators with GSDBees- 3/20/18 at 7pm
Kate Kennen from Offshoots will speak about pollination promotion and working to reconnect native ecologies followed by BeeCo, a project led by Nic Hogan and Max Vanatta, MDes ‘18, aiming to allow anybody to raise bees currently focusing on the development of a modular, climate-controlled hive that improves the survival rates of honeybee colonies
Wine + Food will be provided, and we’ll have a discussion after their presentations on applications for design and urban ecology through urban bee populations.
TUESDAY 3.20.18 at 7pm- Harvard Gund Hall, Room 111